Bhaktapur open air 2013 press meet
The concert “Bhaktapur open air 2013” on March 19th will see Ashesh and Nekhv
Bhaktapur open air 2013
"Ashesh & Nekhvam" and "Seljord Folk High School" idea presents "North Meets South" Part III For the Child Rights Free Open Concert 19th March 2013, Dattaraya Square, Bhaktapur Programe scheduled for BHAKTAPUR OPEN AIR 2013
Ashesh and Nekhvam live every friday at Everest Irish Pub Thamel

Ashesh and Nekhvam is now playing every Friday at Everest Irish Pub Thamel. opposite Thakali Bhancha Ghar. Free entrance. start from 7 pm to 10 pm. Get along with them to feel some Blues.
The New Video of Ashesh(Nekhvam) released by JHD Visuals Tribute to JIMI HENDRIX
Ashesh Dangol jamming with the Gonzalo Trevino Band at Keys Lounge, 29th May.2012
It was a nice time playing with Gonzalo in Keys Lounge.. He has been playing in Forth Worth Texas for more than 45 years. Its one of my best time to play with such a good artist. For the video click link below.